
Rendono fermata...

Sometime in early September... Atrium Lounge, Land's End...

The Madman and I are drinking our beers and he's making oral love to his cigar...

M (looking up, blowing a dense cloud of smoke): "Man its gonna suck not being able to come here as often from October onwards..."

B: "Why do you say that?"

M: "Oh you know... the smoking ban kicks in from Bapu's birthday..."

B (mentally miles away): "Hmmm... true..."

M: "Kya hua? Still thinking about her...?! How is that coming along?"

B: "Ehh... I'm thinking there's no point in moping about something you never even had an honest shot at right...?!"

M: "Hmmm... true..."

Fast forward to sometime last week. I came across something...

I really never had a shot...

So why do I still feel a twinge of something...?

Something that feels suspiciously like pain... Rendono fermata...


Australis said...

Seems like I am on a commenting spree here but...had to say this.

Next week when I meet him for a coffee, I will walk away laughing and he will never see the sadness. And I will go back home and refuse to think about it all for more than ten minutes.

My point is - we can't control how we feel, despite knowing that we really don't have a shot. We can only control our reactions.

88 said...

i have been the instigator and partaker of the laughs. And while I am pretty much over and done with thinking about her in that way, i guess it does play in my mind even if for just a few minutes...

Feelings suck!


Fictional Reality said...

Just wanna say I agree I agree I agree... Feelings suck! And Aurora... evolved creature you are for knowing you have a choice and choosing yourself and laughing and refusing to think about it. Way to go!