

Q. What do you want to be when you grow up beta?

Every little kid wants to be something when they grow - Astronaut, Cricketer, Pilot, the guy that gets shot out the cannon...
I was asked the same question too. And I had a bunch of ideas and options in my mind too... one of them being the now repulsive "I want to go to office."
But wanting to be on stage never featured on that list for the first 20 years of my life.

Circa 1989...

A: "I want to be a scientist!" (yeah I don't know what I was thinking either...)

Sabotage was the first Beastie Boys song I'd ever heard. I think I was in school or just out of school. Some late night show on MTV (the 'original' version not the crap that's on today) which played it. I really couldn't understand what the fuck was going on at the time. Too much of an assault on my senses but I knew I wanted to hear it again... That didn't happen for probably another 5 years.
I just think these guys are the epitome of nerdy cool especially in the vid below.

Circa 2009...

A: "I want to be on a stage like this... to sing for a crowd that's a.l.l around me like this... pulsating boom from every amp cranked to the m.a.x like this... lights flashing intermittently like this... and rocking the ever livin' shit outta e.v.e.r.y single body just like this!"

The hunt is on...


Thresia said...

Actually, you could. All you'd have to do is find a madcap guitarist (trillian), a crazy ass drummer ( anyone) and another awesome as hell guitarist ( Abel in a few years). Oh, and yeah, you'd need a manager( ME). And get on the road.

88 said...

:D waaayyy too many geographical issues man... hell I don't even wanna travel between the 'burbs and downtown.

Could be interesting if there was some tech way of doing it tho!

88 said...

btw whats with the new handle?

Or is it like when you enter a party slightly late, some dude who wants to welcome you by saying "There's Sia" slurs a bit(?!)

Ughh ok i'll stop with the inane jokes now...